In line with our corporate principles and values, at Alianza Team® we have been working for more than 20 years to give the best of each one of us so that everything we do is of the highest quality. Organizational excellence is the foundation of our operations, regardless of the location or the production process. This is how we seek the integration of different management systems for greater simplicity, agility and ownership in the teams, to achieve strong results in the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental and social. Likewise, our people are at the center of our business, so taking care of their physical and mental health, their well-being and that of their families is of the highest priority for the company. With a constant annual investment of between US$10 million and US$30 million in our operations, we demonstrate our commitment to leaving a positive footprint not only in the countries where we operate, but also around the world, a conviction driven and shared by our shareholders and Board of Directors. In 2020 we confirmed our value scale for decision making, through which we ratify our conviction to leave a better future for the next generations by being allies for development.
In the last 3 years, our total production has increased by 5.5%, reaching almost 415,000 packaged tons, with a significant increase in production in Mexico of 117% and in Team Foods Chile of 45%, evidencing the growth of the businesses in the countries. Our commitment to leave a better tomorrow for future generations not only motivates us to work with aligned and efficient processes, state-of-the-art technology and the highest international quality standards, but also to manage the use of natural resources on a daily basis to minimize our impact by maintaining safe, productive and pleasant work spaces.
Our credentials support our business, conveying confidence to our customers and consumers in what we do and how we do it. Through different processes, we continuously monitor and control our performance in line with the international standards that we voluntarily implement in our plants. In the food industry, food safety and innocuousness are of the highest priority, so we are very proud to have all our plants certified under FSSC22000. We highlight that in Chile, our BredenMaster plant was the first to obtain the IRAM seal of Verified COVID Protocol, an external endorsement that transmits confidence and credibility to our customers and consumers, and additionally, it also obtained the certification of the START program of BRC Global Standards in food safety. We registered 2328 cases in our complaints and claims process, evidencing the strengthening of this channel in its capacity to receive, analyze and adequately respond in order to continue adjusting and strengthening our internal processes. All cases were successfully closed during the year, and we highlight the management of Mexico, achieving a reduction of more than 150% of cases compared to 2019. Learn more about our different certifications here
on track,
improvement opportunity
During 2020, we conducted an in-depth analysis of our environmental indicators and sources of information, aligning the seven facilities under the same vision and identifying short, medium and long-term goals for each facility to be worked on in order to obtain the expected corporate results. We remain committed to technological renovation and process innovation to achieve significant savings and improvements, and to become more efficient, using fewer resources per packaged ton and consequently having less environmental impact. Although we remained relatively constant in 2019 with a 1% increase in water consumption intensity and emissions, and a 1% reduction in energy consumption, we highlight that in the last three years we have made significant achievements in the Mexico operation, obtaining reductions consumptions per packaged in water of 28%, energy of 11% and emissions of 44%. In Colombia we achieved a 57% increase in waste recovery, with the Buga and Bogota plants leading this topic with 98% recovery each, and Mexico showing significant progress compared to 2019 with an increase of 32%. With initiatives such as the optimization of the chemical refinery process in Buga with the installation of a nanoreactor, and the reuse of secondary packaging boxes of products in BredenMaster, we are saving 225,000 kg/year of chemicals and 82 TON of cardboard, representing more than 136 thousand boxes, respectively.
Regarding our carbon footprint, we have identified the sources of emissions in each of the seven facilities in order to set concrete action plans that will allow us to significantly reduce these gases through mitigation strategies and technological renovation. For example, with the Huella Verde project in Buga, we achieved a 12% reduction in monthly CO2 emissions in the logistics operation compared to 2018 with the implementation of a circular economy model in the purchase of 100% recycled pallets, the elimination of propane gas from forklifts and lower consumption of energy and plastic film in the different activities of the process. We are aware that we still have great opportunities on the environmental front, which is why we have strengthened an interdisciplinary work network to improve our measurements and ensure the necessary basis for setting our Science Based Targets for each plant and outlining the action plan to become carbon neutral by 2030.
We are also designing a robust corporate climate strategy that aligns the company's efforts with the individual efforts of our employees and the actions we take in the communities where we are present, in order to work together towards common goals such as climate change adaptation and mitigation and water risk management. It is clear that the risks and effects of climate change are environmental as well as social and economic, so it is necessary that from our businesses and throughout our value chain, we work to develop initiatives that contribute to its mitigation and reduce the risk exposure of our chains and operations.
Through the Verde de Corazón initiative, we mobilize our employees who voluntarily contribute ideas, knowledge and time to initiatives that are carried out in the different areas where we operate in order to protect our tomorrow. During 2020, we conducted virtual sessions on implementing home gardens, composting and recycling practices. We participated in Earth Hour as in previous years and formed the group in Mexico. In Buga specifically, the actions carried out in previous years such as planting trees, cleaning the Sonso Lagoon and the More Flowers for the Bees initiative have allowed Alianza Team® to play a leading role in the area and to be a leading participant in the #PorUnValleMásVerde initiative led by the local environmental authority.
We also held the first corporate environmental forum in Buga, with the participation of 15 neighboring companies, special allies and the environmental authority, in which we shared a vision of the future and the actions needed to protect it. #SumarPorElPlaneta is an example of cooperation and collaboration around the objectives that unite us as people, companies and members of the community, which is why it will be replicated in Mexico in the first half of 2021 and in other places afterwards.
As for our people, 2020 demonstrated the talent we have, added to the level of commitment, optimism, creativity and drive that made possible all the results shared above. Definitely the more than 2,300 people who gave their best, even in the most adverse situations, deserve all the recognition and congratulations. Likewise, we extend our appreciation to the Alianza Team® families, approximately 10,000 people who support and motivate our employees every day to meet the objectives set.
The year 2020 was a challenge for humanity in every sense, challenging even the most deeply rooted beliefs, forcing us to rethink and change our habits, behaviors and routines, but also allowing us to show what we are capable of. In a matter of days we rethought and reorganized how to carry out the different activities planned so that, above all, we would take care of the health and well-being of all our people. We immediately sent all our employees who could work remotely to their homes, having more than 710 people working remotely, representing 96.4% of our administrative workforce. For those who performed functions within our facilities, we redoubled all the protection measures within the operations as well as outside in order to control the most possible sources of risk. We reinforced personal protection equipment, work and hygiene protocols, entry controls and even transportation to and from our employees' homes, thus avoiding potential contagions and facility closures. In eleven different rounds, we performed more than 14,400 COVID tests -including PCR, rapid and antigen tests- to identify asymptomatic cases of infection in a timely manner and take the corresponding measures. At BredenMaster, we even implemented home PCR testing in order to speed up results and avoid exposing people to a health system that was on the verge of collapse. We preventively isolated all employees with pre-existing health conditions and comorbidities in order to protect them, with up to 180 employees staying at home. In total, we invested more than $5.86 billion pesos in our employees and their families, maintaining working conditions intact at all times in 100% of our operations.
Although the situation distanced us physically, it allowed us to get closer as we had never before imagined possible. We got to know in greater detail the living conditions and family dynamics of our employees, through periodic surveys we identified the main needs and reflections that brought the months in isolation and quarantine, taking timely actions that allowed us to maintain the necessary personal and professional balance. We adopted additional measures such as external psychological support for all employees and their families for four months and we accompanied our employees and their families through the Talento te acompaña program at different times to maintain a healthy balance with recreational, informative and developmental activities at a distance for our employees and their families. We reoriented the planned wellness activities -maintaining the four focuses of physical, emotional, financial and social wellness- to adjust to the needs of our people and their families, achieving an effective and close accompaniment despite the physical distance. We are proud to have worked without any closures, even in the most critical moments of the pandemic, in order to continue serving our customers and consumers with safe and reliable products.
Our internal processes and efforts in retention, health and safety, wellness and development - supported by our culture and good working environment - contributed greatly to maintaining the positive trend in results this year. Compared to 2019, we achieved significant improvements in accident rates in both frequency and severity, reducing them by 35% and 36%, respectively. In the last four years, the impact of the measures that have been implemented is visible, achieving reductions of 62% in accident frequency (LTIFR) and 55% in severity, demonstrating the effectiveness of these measures and the commitment that employees have acquired with self-care, protection and safety of their colleagues to ensure safe and productive workplaces. The measure that has contributed most to this result is the reporting of substandard conditions in order to timely intervene and prevent accidents. The operation that has stood out the most on this front is Mexico, achieving an improvement of 82% and 98%, respectively, in these two indicators. Absenteeism increased 134%, mainly as a result of Covid-19, especially leveraged by the cases presented in BredenMaster. On the other hand, total and voluntary turnover rates also show the results of the different actions taken to guarantee a healthy, safe and productive work environment in which there are opportunities for personal and professional development. Total and voluntary turnover has decreased in the last five years by 28% and 39% respectively, stabilizing this result in the healthy range defined by the organization.
[401-1; T11; T12; T13]
on track,
improvement opportunity
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At Alianza Team®, we firmly believe in the comprehensive development of the human being and talent to unleash the maximum potential of our people, and we work on four fundamental pillars: development plans, succession, promotion of internal talent and well-being. However, it is a shared effort between employee and company, where 70% is achieved by the employee through self-management and powerful conversations with leaders and colleagues, and the remaining 30% through organizational efforts that allow for deepening development according to specific needs. Leveraging on the behaviors of our culture model, entrepreneurs - innovative - agile - human - reliable - value generation - sustainable - consumer and people centered we are accompanying the growth of our employees and businesses. For performance evaluation, we developed a customized platform that in 2021 will be implemented in the three countries through which each employee builds their development plan, aligned with the challenges of the business and the individual plan of each employee for greater traceability in monitoring and objectivity in the evaluation.
We highlight the launch of the Leadership Academy, with the participation of more than 300 employees, mainly focused on the development of self-understanding and knowledge, thus strengthening the soft skills that contribute to an approach of flexibility, innovation and adaptability necessary to enhance confidence in team work and achieve outstanding results in a sustained manner over time. Together with the partner organizations that make this program possible -Origen and the Universidad Javeriana de Colombia- we are building not only the leaders of tomorrow who will support the needs of the business, but also better human beings and members of society committed to their surroundings.
Specifically for the commercial teams, through a custom-designed training model, we also deepened the development of more than 120 leaders through 4 basic phases that range from alignment with the strategy, assessments, internal and external feedback and construction of the development plan for presentation and approval of their leaders.
We have mapped more than 800 critical positions to keep succession plans in place, and we were able to fill 100% of the vacancies generated last year in Team Foods Chile, 62% in Mexico and 52% in Colombia with internal talent. Finally, from the perspective of comprehensive development, we highlight the annual investment in Colombia of approximately COP$1 billion pesos in education and housing benefits that our employees have used not only for themselves, but also for their families, contributing to the improvement of their quality of life and that of our communities. In 2021 we will gather all the necessary information to establish concrete work plans in health, housing and education that will allow us to continue to nurture a better tomorrow.
Although in 2020 we did not conduct the work environment survey with Great Place to Work -whose result in 2019 was very satisfactory for all our operations- we consider that we exceeded the expectations of our people in the management of the pandemic, being present at all times with details, videos, emails and calls, strengthening working relationships and trust among all. We demonstrated the sense of belonging and pride that our employees have in being part of Alianza Team®, covering for their colleagues in times of absence, assuming new roles, asking for help when necessary, and supporting as best they could to carry out their responsibilities and commitments. We understood the difference between fairness and equality in a reality where we all had to learn to balance multiple professional and personal roles, even at the same time. However, that flexibility and adaptability that defines us has maintained the promise that Alianza Team® is a great place to work.
100% of our employees earn salaries above the local minimum wage, and we continue to strengthen our measures to ensure that our compensation structure is fair and competitive, with an efficiency indicator that allows us to control the structure and maintain the ratio of talent cost to sales in a healthy range. With respect to gender and our commitment to equal opportunities and conditions for equitable compensation, we have seen substantial improvements in the last five years that confirm that we are on the right track. For more than 88% of employees, the female-to-male pay ratio increased 7% since 2017 and at the managerial level the ratio has also improved by 37%. We will continue, with the help of data analysis tools and information organization (people analytics) so that decisions are based on data and not on perceptions.
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As for the communities around us, part of that great priority we call our people, 2020 also gave us the opportunity to get closer, to know each other better, and open ourselves to new ideas and opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. We strengthened existing partnerships with external organizations and developed new ones, broadening the reach of our actions to more people. Under the umbrella of Aliados somos + (with our allies we can accomplish more), the evolution of what we previously called our social investment strategy, we ratified internally and externally our conviction to work together with our prioritized stakeholders to leave a better tomorrow for future generations. Adding up all the efforts implemented in the different geographies and from the different areas of the organization, we invested more than $17 billion pesos, reaching 9,760,901 people in the three countries where we operate and 824 bakery businesses and 29 distributors in Colombia.
With campaigns such as #MeSumo -with deliveries every three months for a year to eight partner organizations- and Ayúdanos A Ayudar -BredenMaster's campaign to donate bread per unit sold- we contributed to feeding people in vulnerable situations by joining corporate efforts with those of our employees and consumers who voluntarily participated.
In initiatives led from the facilities, we supported the health centers of our communities with personal protection and biosafety elements. Our Barranquilla facility even developed Dfens, a glycerin alcohol antibacterial gel that was used to supply our employees and their families, communities and health centers internally during the months when this product was scarce and unavailable in the Colombian market. Through Manos que Alimentan,
Pase de La Solidaridad and Tienda Cerca among others, we also support our customers and the business sector to overcome the difficulties faced and recognize the value of commercial forces, restaurants and shopkeepers for society. In Manos Que Alimentan alone, we reached 904 registered businesses thanks to the accompaniment of the business to its customers. Beginning the mandatory isolation measures, we delivered more than 600 grocery packs to families neighboring our operation centers in Bogota, Barranquilla and Buga, and throughout the pandemic we delivered more than 155 thousand units of products in donation to the Food Banks Association of Colombia (ABACO), our ally through which we contribute to fight food waste and malnutrition in the most vulnerable populations of the country. At the end of the year in Colombia, with the passage of hurricane Iota along the Caribbean coast, our employees voluntarily supported the reconstruction of the San Andres Islands and the purchase of basic necessities for the victims through the #YoApoyo campaign.
We also invested in the initiative driven by ResilientLife to design, prototype and manufacture a low-cost, high-precision mechanical ventilators in compliance with the strictest global regulations -ResilientBreath- to help solve one of the most pressing needs of the pandemic. With a donation of US$20,000, and with the support of Fundación Frisby, Audifarma and the Bogotá Free Trade Zone, the project completed its engineering development and technical testing phase to become the first low-cost, high-tech medical device developed in the country, allowing the capture and analysis of data to study not only the behavior of patients with Covid-19, but also other respiratory diseases. We are convinced that it will be a disruptive innovation that will change many practices currently used for the prevention and treatment of these conditions.
As a result of Campi® Sal Marina's stated objective of combating malnutrition in its areas of influence, around 700 people from 154 families in six rancherías in Manaure, Guajira, the area where the sea salt used comes from, benefited. Of these, 63 children under five years of age recovered their nutritional status. During the month of April, we also provided 22 water tanker trips to the communities, a water storage tank in Tukuraka, and cleaning supplies to the communities to strengthen biosecurity protocols. Together with our partner FUCAI and with an investment of more than COP$100 million pesos in 2020, we will continue to contribute an amount for each unit sold to this project, seeking to expand the scope by 20% to continue improving the nutritional status of the community.
In cash and product donations, we specifically invested COP$1,431 million pesos in more than 37 partner organizations to contribute to business strengthening, the competitiveness of our areas of influence, and improvements in the well-being, health and nutrition of the vulnerable populations we support. With these contributions, we are not only convinced that we are making a difference, but also that we are joining forces with our partners to overcome the great economic, environmental and social challenges of our communities. Learn more about the organizations we support throughout the year with our donations here.
Thanks to all those who contributed their time, creativity and resources to make all these initiatives a reality, demonstrating the great sense of belonging and solidarity that defines us as individuals and as Alianza Team® Talent!
We will continue to work hand in hand with our stakeholders in the communities in which we are present, aware that together we can achieve a greater impact in less time, to implement initiatives that address common interests, convinced that with our allies we can achieve more to fulfill our goal of leaving a better tomorrow for future generations. It is with a great sense of belonging, responsibility and commitment that we share our vision to nurture a better tomorrow.
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Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Our products, brands and technological solutions contribute to the well-being of millions of consumers, based on science to make a difference through lipids.
Chapter 2
We work hand in hand with our suppliers to ensure compliance with high social, environmental and quality standards throughout our supply chain.
Entérate de novedades en la alimentación