CH 3 - OUR PEOPLE - alianzateam

Commitment 3: Comprehensive development of people through health, housing, employment, education, entrepreneurship and food security programs.

The third front of our 2030 Ambition is the commitment to the comprehensive development of our people, through health, housing, education, employment, entrepreneurship and food security programs, understanding the concept of people as our employees, their families and the communities where we operate. Through the Aliados Somos + corporate umbrella, we always seek to leave the best footprint by being allies for development, focusing on specific and beneficial actions for our people  and their families, as well as in our areas of influence.



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Commitment 3: Comprehensive development of people through health, housing, employment, education, entrepreneurship and food security programs.

We believe in people, their talent and their potential to achieve everything we set out to do.

In Alianza Team® we seek that our actions are consistent with our thinking, principles and values that characterize us. Therefore, our people are one of the four priorities that guide our organization and, as a fundamental axis that drives the company's growth strategy and leads us to meet our objectives. 


Continuing with the measures to take care of our employees in the face of the health crisis, during 2021 we also worked to develop their full potential, designing programs to accompany them in their personal and professional growth, in addition to the establishment of action fronts to contribute positively to our communities and the six prioritized stakeholders. Based on three pillars, we are able to guarantee the well-being of our people:

Alianza Team® Buga

[401-1; T11; T12; T13]

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have defined our value scale for decision making, where caring for the integrity, health and well-being of our employees and their families will always first place.

LTIFR: (Cases/HHT)*1.000.000}

ISA: (Days/HHT)*1.000.000

Absenteeism: (Days of incapacity due to EG+AT/Total days worked)*100

Ensuring the well-being of our people:

Actions to prevent accidents and absenteeism: 


Accident frequency and severity indicators improved in our operations in Colombia thanks to the Substandard Conditions program to prevent accidents..

Total turnover

Voluntary Rotation

Accident frequency (LTIFR)

Accident severity Index (ISA)

Pandemic Management:

Thanks to our characteristic agility and resilience, we successfully weathered the pandemic in the face of new, more contagious variants of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, through the following actions:

[404-2; 401-2; T6; 405-2; T9]

We seek to develop the maximum potential of our employees through our programs to accompany their personal and professional growth.

Our Human Talent

Talent Agenda:

  • We maximized the potential of 76% of our employees in Colombia, Mexico and Chile.
  • We created the performance evaluation platform with 1,300 development plans in Chile, Colombia and Mexico.


Leadership school: 

  • We trained 40% of leaders and potential leaders in Colombia, Mexico and Chile in alliance with Origen.

Development of our people: 


  • We have 54% of key positions with a successor.
  • We were able to fill 61% of our vacancies with internal talent.
  • We increased our female employee population by 9%, firm in our commitment to continue promoting internal equity, diversity and inclusion, and fair compensation in compliance with our internal policies.




  • We are ranked 12th in the Great Place to Work ranking in Colombia.
  • We are ranked as the 5th best place for women to work in Colombia according to the Great Place to Work ranking. 
III. Aliados Somos +
[102-12; T14; T8; 401-2]

Aliados Somos + is the evolution of the organization's social investment strategy, focused on capacity building in order to Nurture a better tomorrow by generating value for our stakeholders. Learn about our Aliados Somos + corporate umbrella, its four work fronts and the achievements for each one:

Project progress in each area

Click on the section you are interested in to continue:

Chapter 1

We ensure compliance with economic, environmental and social criteria in all our agricultural and livestock chains by working together with our allies to make a difference.


Go to Chapter 1

Chapter 2

We work every day to leave a better world for future generations; we are on the road to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.


Go to Chapter 2

Chapter 3

We believe in people, their talent and their potential, and committed to programs in health, housing, education, entrepreneurship and food security, we will achieve the comprehensivel development of our people.


Go to Chapter 3

Chapter 4

We reach homes with relevant and differentiated solutions through brands that generate a positive impact, leveraged by our people, innovation and sustainability.


Go to Chapter 4

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